How does LivB win ?

If you read the Online Poker leaderboards you will see that time and time again it is the HU players who come out on top.

One of the main reasons is down to pure statistics.

If you manage to have your game mastered so you are consistantly getting an ROI of 4 or 5 % then the way to make money is invest as much as you can while trying to protect your bank.

Clearly if you are able to afford $1000 HU games, on average each one will pay you about $50 (I don't want to get bogged down in the rake here). But in order to protect your bank from variance ( as in statistically how likely you could blow the lot) you would need a huge bank. In order to work this out you should really read a little about the Kelly Criteria and how you can match your edge to stake.

But in Essence I wouldnt play a HU game for more that a couple of % of my bank, perhaps 5 at most.

So why HU poker?

HU allows you to in effect minimise your variance and maximise your profit through playing many games. It is quite possible to 4 or 5 table HU, and play a game that should give you 3-5% ROI. If you decide to play each game at a time, you certainly get more reads on you opponent, but you will in effect wash through less money, so depending on how this effects your ROI may mean less profit.

To start with i would concentrate on playing one table at once, try and read your oppo and try and figure out your basic strategy.

Once however you are able to quickly suss out your oppo style of play, move to 2 tables and gradually build up. remember the more games you play with a +ve ROI the more money you make.

If you look at the shear number of games LivB plays, it is clear that he manages to play enough games that his variance is low enough not to lose his bank, yet still play high stakes HU.

Lets say you have a $100 bank, if you play $1 HU and 4 table, you may average say an investment of say $30 an hour, so if your ROI is approx 5% you will earn about $1.50 per hour.

If you think you have a 5% edge and are willing to play $5 HU, 5 tabling you may manage to invest $150 per hour, so would expect to make $7-10 per hour, although not huge should be easily managable.

You have to remember that the higher stakes you play the better in theory your opponents will be on average. With the lower stakes games, an ROI of 15% should be achievable, however from the $22 games upwards a more modest ROI of between 5-10% is more realistic.